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Blog for Victoria Bennett Beyer Photography

The photography blog of Victoria Bennett Beyer, featuring travel photographs from road trips across America and botanical photography of plants, flowers and leaves.

Unreal Skies

Victoria Beyer

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One of the things I love about the west are the huge skies. I walk around our property every night to look at the sunset clouds, but even I was taken aback by the color in this sky. It doesn’t look real in camera, and it didn’t look real in person. But, sometimes nature delivers more than we can imagine.

Badlands Interpretive Trail

Victoria Beyer

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We were looking for a short hike to ease us into the high altitude, so my husband picked up a guide to the nearby Badlands Interpretive Trail, right outside of town. It was a bit of a challenge to find the beginning - definitely use your odometer to gauge the recommended distance, and look really hard for the hidden cattle guard. Eventually we figured it out, but it didn’t get any easier from there. Luckily, my husband is a wiz at geography, so he led us from marker to marker with intuition, but left by myself, I would never have figured it out. We collected some massive ticks in the high brush we walked through, so apply bug spray liberally!

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My husband also spotted this horned toad in the brush - the first we’d ever seen in the wild. His camoflage was amazing.

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I also love how we find bones pretty much wherever we go around here.

Absaroka Mountains

Victoria Beyer

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With summer has come a change of scenery for me. We spent some time in western Wyoming this year, trying to beat the heat in the mountains. Truth be told, since we moved away from Wyoming 11 years ago, my husband and I have been trying to find a way back here, at least for a few weeks of the year. This year we spent our vacation in the mountains near Dubois, Wyoming. It was a delight, for many reasons, including these views.

Eye of the Anole

Victoria Beyer

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These lizards are all over the place in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. I remember catching them as a kid and showing them to whatever adult was around. This was a young one who was clearly not scared enough of me, because he just played hide-and-seek in one of my mom’s bushes until I snapped this picture.

Clover Daydream

Victoria Beyer

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I have a confession - I adore afternoon sunlight. I know I am supposed to love getting up early for sunrises - and it’s true that they can be incredible. But every day there is some sun in sky, I get giddy for the last hour or two of good sunlight, particularly in the summer. For this shot, I laid in the clover field at my parent’s home and faced the setting sun, crawling around on my belly until I found a composition I liked. Then I made minute movements as I shot a hundred or so times. Sometimes the light flared or was too strong, which is why I shoot so much. Eventually, I found the golden-pinkish glow that I was looking for and I thought it made for a dreamy scene.