Dubois Fall Color
Victoria Beyer
Ok, just one more from Wyoming, sorry, but this fall color is too good not to share. I took these last autumn, when the cottonwoods were bright yellow . I love how they light up the town.
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The photography blog of Victoria Bennett Beyer, featuring travel photographs from road trips across America and botanical photography of plants, flowers and leaves.
Filtering by Tag: dubois
Ok, just one more from Wyoming, sorry, but this fall color is too good not to share. I took these last autumn, when the cottonwoods were bright yellow . I love how they light up the town.
Our very first shoot at the Wind River Photographers’ Retreat was an area I had visited before in our wanderings around the Dubois area. These are the Pinnacle Buttes, which reach above Brooks Lake Creek. The area is popular with campers, fishermen, and bears. There had been a bear sighting in the campground earlier in the morning, and we drove around a bit to try and spot it, but it had moved on.
Ok, y’all, I can’t wait any longer, I am so excited to show you pictures from the photographer’s retreat that I went to recently. The program was presented by the National Bighorn Sheep Center, and we spent the week at the Whiskey Mountain Conservation Camp near Dubois, Wyoming.
One of the rustic cabins that served as lodgings for participants.
A view from the Torrey valley, where the camp was located.
Isn’t this place super cool? We got to spend the week here, surrounded by the beautiful landscape. Every day our intrepid instructors, Bill Sincavage and Sandy Zelasko led us on morning and evening shoots around the area. Some of the highlights were visiting a working horse ranch, private access to petroglyphs, watching an osprey fledge, sighting moose (more than once!) and chasing so much beautiful scenery. I’ll post pictures from the retreat soon.
One of the things I love about the west are the huge skies. I walk around our property every night to look at the sunset clouds, but even I was taken aback by the color in this sky. It doesn’t look real in camera, and it didn’t look real in person. But, sometimes nature delivers more than we can imagine.