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Blog for Victoria Bennett Beyer Photography

The photography blog of Victoria Bennett Beyer, featuring travel photographs from road trips across America and botanical photography of plants, flowers and leaves.

Filtering by Category: Life in General

Northern Flicker

Victoria Beyer

I went out on Monday hoping to get a cardinal shot, but sometimes the surprises are better than what you have planned. I had spotted two Northern flickers in a tall, leafless tree, too far away to shoot. I assumed that was the end of it, but at the end of my hike I circled back and scared one up out of the brush. It landed right above me, very close.

Cardinals in the Snow

Victoria Beyer

I had better luck shooting cardinals at a nearby nature reserve than I did in my own backyard. They seemed less spooked when I walked the trail next to them. Maybe they are more used to people. They like to sit deep in the branches, though, which can be hard to shoot through. They were eating berries and darting in and out of cover. It was fun to watch and eventually I did get a decent shot.


Victoria Beyer

There is so much wildlife strutting around my backyard. I finally began shooting with a 500mm lens so now I can get a lot closer to the action than I used to. I am still getting used to the weight and there are other challenges, for sure, but I am feeling encouraged by my improvement in the past month.

Chestnut Trees

Victoria Beyer

These two chestnut trees sit at the back of my property. You can't tell from this picture quite how large they are. I think the bigger one is at least 100 years old. But it's not going to get any older. This was the last year they put out any leaves, and there were only a few. My arborist did not know what had happened, only that they were dying. Right now they have lost all their leaves and stand skeleton against my fence. I'm so grateful I got this picture a couple of years ago, but I just can't quite wrap my head around why two mature trees would just up and die. It saddens my heart.