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Blog for Victoria Bennett Beyer Photography

The photography blog of Victoria Bennett Beyer, featuring travel photographs from road trips across America and botanical photography of plants, flowers and leaves.

Cody and Steamboat

Victoria Beyer

Ranch and Cowboy (572) FIX3.jpg
Ranch and Cowboy (408) FIX2.jpg
Ranch and Cowboy (707) FIX3.jpg

One of our photoshoots during the Wind River Photographers’ Retreat was at a private horse ranch, and one of the young ranch hands was good enough to stand for a portrait session with Steamboat, the horse. It was another great opportunity to do some portrait work, and what surprised me was that it took quite a while to get a really good shot. I had to move around a bit, and it wasn’t until the very end that I liked the angle and the light I was getting. It was a good lesson to keep working at it if you’re not thrilled with what you are getting in a portrait. As long as the subject is willing, anyway. Thanks to Cody and Steamboat for hanging in there while we shot and shot and shot.