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Blog for Victoria Bennett Beyer Photography

The photography blog of Victoria Bennett Beyer, featuring travel photographs from road trips across America and botanical photography of plants, flowers and leaves.

Filtering by Category: Botanical

Autumn Passes

Victoria Beyer

2018-11 Fall Leaves (72) FIX.jpg

We waited and we waited this year for the leaves to change. And when they finally did, it seemed so sudden. Within just a couple of days they were all on the ground, and now we wait another whole year for them to light up our hills here in western Pennsylvania.

Elephant Ear

Victoria Beyer

Back in South Carolina

2018-08 Elephant Ears (56) FIX.jpg

After my 7-week trip across the country, I still wasn’t done! No summer is complete without a trip to South Carolina to visit my parents. The elephant ears growing beside their back door were huge in August when I was there. They were practically glowing in the late summer sun when I took this.